Observing Resources

Click on any of these topics to find related resources below.

Star Parties

Planet Observing

Astronomy Educational Resources

Lunar Observing

Solar Observing

Lunar and Solar Educational Resources

Lunar and Solar Eclipse Educational Resources

Asteroids Observing

Asteroids Educational Resources

Meteor Shower Observing

Meteor Shower Educational Resources



Star Parties

Astronomers Without Borders:  Global Astronomy Month Event List.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific: "Project ASTRO How-To Manual: Star Party Ideas."

King, Bob: "Tips for A Successful Star Party."

NASA's Educator Feature:' Host A Star Party."  

The Night Sky Network is a nationwide coalition of US-based amateur astronomy clubs bringing the science, technology, and inspiration of NASA's missions to the public. 

Rao, Joe: "How to Throw a Star Party: A Stargazing Guide"

The Sidewalk Astronomers:" Bringing Astronomy to the Public."


Planet Observing 

 Astronomy Magazine. "Observing: Sky This Week."  

 Ford, Dominic: "Objects in your Sky: Planets."

Love the Night Sky. "What Planets Are Visible Tonight: The Indispensable Astronomer’s Guide to Finding and Seeing the Planets in 2019."

Ralph Aeschiman is an artist and cartographer whose work includes maps of Mars and other solar system bodies.

Rao, Joe. "When, Where and How to See the Planets in the 2019 Night Sky."

 Timeanddate.com: " Planets Visible in the Night Sky." (Find your location on the global map and view which planets will be visible.)


Astronomy Educational Resources

Astronomical Society of the Pacific: "Hands-On Astronomy Activities."

Education.com: " Earth & Space Science Resources."

Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) is a worldwide network of teacher training programs in the effective use and transfer of astronomy educational tools and resources into classroom science curricula.

Google Sky Maps is a celestial map that shows you objects like stars, constellations, galaxies, planets, or the Earth's moon.

JPL/NASA's Teach:" Bring the Wonder of Space to your Students."

NASA's Space Place is an award-winning website engages upper-elementary-aged children in space and Earth science through interactive games, hands-on activities, informative articles and engaging short videos.

National Science Foundation: "Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources."

NeoK12 is a wonderful resource that includes astronomy-related educational videos and games for school kids.

Planets for Kids is a free astronomy network for kids developed by a 9-year old and his d

Sky and Telescope magazine: "Astronomical Tools."

Universe Awareness (UNAWE) has awesome resources to inspire every child (of all ages) with our wonderful cosmos.  The website includes "The Awesome Amateur Astronomer: 10 Steps to Get You Started in Astronomy" and Cosmos In Your Pocket Guide (a free download guide that is available in many languages).


Lunar Observing

Lunar and Planetary Institute's Lunar Maps: " Apollo Maps, Topographical, and Geographical Printable Maps."

Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator.

NASA Science: "Earth's Moon."

Printable Lunar Maps:" Newtonian and Mirror Reversed Printable Maps."

"Virtual Moon Atlas Free Software for Observation or Survey." Created by Christian Legrand and Patrick Chevalley.


Solar Observing

BBC Sky at Night Magazine, "A Beginners’ Guide to Solar Observing."

Simonson, Mark. "Hydrogen Alpha Solar Observing Program."


Lunar and Solar Educational Resources

Astronomers Without Borders worksheet to draw "Faces on the Moon."

Astronomy Now Magazine:  "Guide to Solar Observing."

NASA's Night Sky Network: " Skywatcher's Guide to the Moon."

"NOVA Sun Lab Lesson Plans."

Science Bob:  "Oreo Cookie Moon Phases: A Tasty Science Activity."

Sidewalk Astronomers.  "Moon Rock Recipe."

Stanford Solar Center is an amazingly comprehensive guide to the Sun.

"The Gloria Project: Observing the Sun Teaching and Learning Resources" (An international project and the site is packed full of info!)


Lunar and Solar Eclipse Educational Resources

Berendsen, Marni. "Shadows in Space: Why Do Eclipses Happen?" YouTube.

Mr. Eclipse is an excellent educational resource about lunar and solar eclipses. 

Sky & Telescope magazine: "Observing and Photographing Lunar Eclipses."

TimeandDate.com:  "Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide – Next 10 Years."


Asteroids Observing

ESA's Space Science: "Asteroids: Structure and Composition of Asteroids."

 JPL Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) computes high-precision orbits for Near-Earth Objects.

 JPL/NASA Photo Journal:  "Asteroid Images and Data."

NASA Science's Solar Space Exploration: "Asteroids."

The Neowise Project: " Finding, Tracking, and Characterizing Asteroids."
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: "Introducing Asteroids."


Asteroids Educational Resources

Choi, Charles: "Asteroids: Fun Facts and Information About Asteroids."

NASA': "Asteroid Fast Facts."

National Geographic: " Asteroids and Comets."

Space.com: "Asteroid History."

PBS Video: "Asteroids: Crash Course Astronomy #20."

Meteor Shower Observing

American Meteor Society':  "Visual Observing."

Astronomy Magazine-YouTube video: "Astronomy How To - Observing Meteor Showers"

International Meteor Organisation has a range of different information on logging meteors and data collection.

TimeandDate.com:  "How to See Meteor Showers"

Meteor Shower Educational Resources

NASA - Space Rocks! : "A Giant Meteorite Board Game."

Science Kids: "Meteoroids Facts for Kids."