Members Reports


AT A NEW NEBULA By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . A sky lover went to the edge of a new nebula, but could not buy a bottle of perfume from its gas because he had left his credit card at home and the local merchants did not accept cash payments. Then he plunged for free directly into the new nebula like in a swimming pool. #poetry
UNESCO academy of metaphysics Director : Dr. Morteza Chaman ara Team Members : Dr. Morteza Chaman ara - Dr. Mohammad Reza Mohtarami - Dr. Hamed Haddadi Aghdam - Dr. Hamid Gharebaghi - Dr. Sima Chabi Vaisi Nezhad - Armin Ahanrobay - Amin Ahanrobay - Noushin Ahanrobay - Mahdieh Souri - Sanaz Eftekharzadeh - Morteza Norouzi - Dr. Parvin Vahdati - Hossein Fandiz - Mohammad Hossein Fotovat Ahmadi - Abdolbaghi Foroutani - Mohammad Ali Pirouz - Tahereh Khanjani Omran ( Farsa Omran ) - Melika Mahdavisaei - Dr. Elnaz Abedini - Dr. Sadegh Chaman ara - Mohammad Reza Chaman ara - Sedighe Chaman ara - Ensieh Chaman ara - Farshad Chaman ara - Ali Chaman ...
AN ASTROPOETIC DIALOGUE WITH CATALINA POP By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . My guest for the next dialogue is a business woman with an impressive literary culture, who participated in the SARM expedition to the USA in 2024. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE By Catalina Pop The lesson of the stars I can let you in the dark for a while You froze You die Forget the darkness Come with a smile Let there be light! COSMIC FRUSTRATION By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe Why are so many people interested in total solar eclipses and why is the Moon so privileged in these heavenly ...
ON THE OCCASION OF THE 55TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BAIA MARE PLANETARIUM By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . An exacerbated idealist wondered: -Planetarium stars versus real stars? Technology and art versus naturalness and freedom? -Completely wrong! - answered a sky lover. This is a false and excessive perspective, so let's try something else, closer to the truth. Planetarium stars and real stars! Festive human steps towards the spherical pillars of the Universe! #poetry
ON THE OCCASION OF SARM’S CAMP “ASTRONOMY AND ROMANIAN FOLK TRADITIONS” By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . A sky lover touched by the stars at an isolated mountain guesthouse: . - The problem of people in cities is that infatuated light pollution is a dimension that disconnects them from the great starry creation. #poetry
Español primero, Inglés después / Spanish first, English later: Hace unos meses les contaba un poco del proyecto K'ajk'ubaltik - La noche es nuestra con el cual estoy colaborando: Intro K'ajk'ubaltik. Después de un poco más de un año me emociona mucho compartirles parte del avance de este proyecto que es la publicación del libro: un cuento ilustrado en español y tseltal (que es una lengua hablada en Chiapas) con un añadido de actividades lúdicas para completar el cuento que trata sobre el origen del Universo con analogías culturalmente pertinentes y con una perspectiva feminista. Por la naturaleza del proyecto pueden comprar el libro en el esquema ...


Image details: Water in the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis (artist’s impression) Credit: ESO/L. Calçada ––– | WHO SAID? | W ho said that it can't already be anything above…? It is connected with the Universe and all the matters not being dominated by the greed Just there, above us, yet still so much left to be discovered However, even here, in some aspects, a kind of insufficiency also present Gates of the cosmos are admittedly open, but in fact, it is a very vast kingdom To feel lost, we don't have ...
ON THE OCCASION OF AN ASTRONOMICAL EXPERIENCE EXCHANGE WITH THE CHISINAU OBSERVATORY (To Vitalie Chistol) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe .. . . Dear guests, let's see - said the astronomer of Bessarabia (officially the Republic of Moldova) - some treasures from our realm between Prut and Dniester! And we admired the largest underground wine cellar in the world, a medieval monastery like a giant diamond, an impressive canyon with a cave church and a very old cross, a spectacular capital city that looked like a mountain metropolis... we ate traditional food, tasted traditional ...
ON THE OCCASION OF THE HUSI 2024 ASTRONOMY SUMMER SCHOOL CONFERENCE (Based on real facts) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . 1 Astronomer X: Children, do you have any questions about the Universe? A little girl: A colleague asked me where the stars hide in the morning. I answered that the stars do not run away, only the light of the Sun comes and covers them. 2 Astronomer Y: Children, do you know that the nearest star is Proxima Centauri, located more than four light years from Earth? A little boy: I thought the nearest star is the Sun! ...
ON THE OCCASION OF THE ASTRONOMY SESSION OF THE BARLAD 2024 SYMPOSIUM By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . -In the last few months I have discovered several variable stars - said a researcher. -I’m just working on an astronomical spectrometer - said a technician. - I will try to find out more about the Trans-Neptunian zone - said an enthusiast. -I would like to teach the children that in reality the stars are always closer to our souls than in appearance, even than when we look at them through a telescope - said an educator. #poetry
AVANT-GARDE ASTR0-QUATRAIN By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . Kepler, Sir Newton and Einstein Show that the Universe is fine, So I can see Galileo Dancing in any DSO. #poetry
Every 15th of the month, except in April, AWB-Serbia is organizing a small quiz featuring 10 questions on a selected astronomical theme. On Jun 15th, was the theme of 77th Quiz: "SN 1604". We had 176 participants, each got an astronomy e-book, and a certificate.


Image details: Artist’s impression of the WDJ0914+1914 system Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser ––– | UNBELIEVABLY FAR | U nbelievably far from the star, where life was born and managed to transform into curious beings, lie other worlds equally astounding or even more They were there much earlier having enough time for technological and civilizational development far overreaching the one we will ever be capable to achieve Unbelievably far from the star that still wants to shine, its smaller or greater, hotter or cooler counterparts do * ...
AMERICAN ECLIPSE 2024 - A SARM ANTHOLOGY OF ASTROPOETRY (epilogue) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . A few days after the total eclipse of the Sun on April 8, 2024, SARM organized on April 15 a show-ceremony (with the 26 participants in the expedition) in a hotel in Miami, where I recited the first verses dedicated to the great celestial phenomenon. That was the first step for making this anthology. People forever gaining a memory in a corner of the heart. Eclipse inertia? Or just its art? (Andrei Dorian Gheorghe) #poetry #eclipse
A friend reported seeing a bright flash of light in the vicinity of pi1 and sigma1 Ursa Majoris June 8th or June 9th, from the Boundary Waters region in Minnesota near the border with Canada. I find no reports then or there of UAPs. There was no trail or sound. Could this have been a sporadic Northern Toroidal meteor seen head on? Thank you for any insight. Lonny
AMERICAN ECLIPSE 2024 - A SARM ANTHOLOGY OF ASTROPOETRY (3) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe .. . PART III APRIL 8, 2024, CLINTON, ARKANSAS - A MEMORY By Valentin Grigore Many times I relive intensely the emotion of that cosmic event, the fantastic solar eclipse of April 8, 2024. Ah, the delicate strands in the solar corona arching along the lines of the magnetic field of the Sun! DEAR STELLAR FRIEND By Alexandra Emilia Pocora There is no sadness behind closed eyes, The primordial blackness brings just peace Showing in our dreams the whispered ...
AMERICAN ECLIPSE 2024 - A SARM ANTHOLOGY OF ASTROPOETRY (2) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . PART II SOME MOLECULES BROKEN FROM WHAT I ALWAYS FELT By Delia Motoc Eclipse... the moment when the physics of the future helps me to see my past, to feel my present, I, a mortal child of the Moon, met my father Sun, beyond of space and time, tasting the deceptive immortality. 1999 - ADVENTURES IN BUCHAREST ON THE DAY OF THE ECLIPSE By Ion(ut) Moraru The American eclipse of 2024 reminded me that in 1999 I ran all over my city, at our last total solar ...


Image details: Artist’s impression of the night side of WASP-76 b Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser/L. Calçada ––– | CAREFULLY | C arefully, carefully we should scrutinize the land of infinity It usually makes us amazed by the stars’ plenitude This is, however, only the most outer, visible layer Indeed, eye-catching, nevertheless, much more lies far beyond it The land of infinity doesn’t have to be mankind-friendly Desolate, cold, inhospitable still hides lots of dark secrets Sometimes so terrifying, they outgrow the worst ...
AMERICAN ECLIPSE 2024 - A SARM ANTHOLOGY OF ASTROPOETRY (1) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . In April 2024, the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM (president Valentin Grigore) and the travel company ROTEAMTOUR (led by Dan Moldovanu) carried out an extraordinary expedition in the USA, which started in Dallas, passed through 10 American states, Washington DC and southern Canada (Toronto), and ended in New York. The main objective was the total solar eclipse on April 8 (which was observed from three different locations). To crown the brilliance of the expedition, SARM later produced an anthology of astropoetry (which I will ...